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“Snowman!” – Evelyn’s Diaries

Just when you thought that temperatures were rising and the time for pretty dresses and sunbathing was upon us…BOOM! How about inches of snow and freezing temperatures for you instead!

I was looking forward to spring and being able to run around in the garden when it’s sunny. But I must admit, I was very excited when I woke up one morning to LOTS of snow. I haven’t really seen lots of snow before. When I was even littler last year, there wasn’t much snow at all and when there was, it all melted straight away.

This time, the snow was here to stay! For a little while anyway.

My Mammy wrapped me up in lots of clothes, we put our shoes on and ventured out into the snow covered wilderness which was our garden. It turns out that it is a lot harder to run in snow. I learned this hard way, as I may have slightly fallen over a few times. Snow is cold.

I managed to pull my face out the snow long enough to notice my Mammy building something. It was just a big pile of snow at first, so it did not look particularly exciting. However, my Mammy was very excited about her big pile of snow. In fact, she kept calling it a Snowman. I have seen snowmen on the TV, but never in real life. I had to be honest, the snowman my Mammy was building looked nothing like the ones on the TV. It had no arms, nose, eyes or any clothes to keep it warm. It was a disaster, I had to intervene and rescue this.

So I went over to Mammy to help make the pile of snow (snowman) bigger. I would grab a handful of snow at a time, take it over and throw it on to the snowman. Mammy didn’t seem to find this particularly helpful though. Honestly…some people just cannot be helped.

Very quickly, a snowman shape started to emerge and we ended up with the finished product you see in the picture. For me, it is still missing many vital components of a snowman and barely qualifies as one. Typically, my Mammy was very excited and impressed with her creation, which I was more than happy to let her take credit for. She wanted me to pose with it for a picture. You can clearly see me looking at Mammy in the photo, whilst I was thinking, “Really Mammy? You want photographic evidence of this thing?”

The more I look at the picture, the more I feel like this snowman should be in all the scary films, as it sneaks into your house at night. Seemingly to Mammy, it was a cute and adorable snowman, with a happy smile on its face.

I think Mammy just likes being out the house.

Anyway, the snow day was a lot of fun and it was nice to finally have a chance to run around and play in lots of snow. However, I am very much ready for summer, so no more snow please!

Evelyn x

Previous diary – “Happy Birthday Oliver” – Evelyn’s Diaries – 9th March 2023

Next diary – “I crossed the line” – Evelyn’s Diaries – 23rd March 2023

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