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“My nursery transition day” – Evelyn’s Diaries

I kept hearing the word “Nursery” mentioned to me by different people. My Mammy and Daddy kept telling me it is somewhere I am going to go soon and it’s lots of fun. Both my Nanna and Grandad’s would keep mentioning it, but left out the details. Therefore, until now, I had no idea what they were talking about! You may remember I mentioned it in one of my previous diary entries, if you don’t remember, you can read it here!

Transition day

Well this week I found out what nursery is all about! I had a chance to visit the nursery I am going to go to, on what was called a “Transition day”. They say transition day, but I was there for about an hour and a half, so I know they are liars straight away. But anyway, the idea was for me to get used to the nursery, meet my teachers and all the other boys and girls who will be going to nursery with me. As you can see by the picture, it was a very tiring experience! (Picture taken 10minutes after leaving Nursery).

I have to admit, I was a little bit nervous walking into my new nursery. You just don’t know how the teachers are going to react having a celebrity like me in their class. Yes…I am a famous blogging superstar, but I am also just a normal 2 year old, who wants to be treated like anyone else. No special attention needed, although if I can get extra milk or biscuits I wouldn’t say no to that.

To the teacher’s credit, they were able to remain calm and collected in my presence, it was almost like they had no idea who I was at all. A steady stream of other boys and girls arrived at the nursery and one thing stood out to me straight away. I was by far the littlest little person there. Apparently you start nursery in the September after your turn 3 years old. I turn 3 in August, so I will start Nursery straight away. Other children, could be turning 4 in September and that means they are 1 whole year older than me! I have got some growing to do to catch up.

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There were so many different activities and things to do at nursery. Upon walking through the door, I immediately noticed the sand table and water container. Investigating further, I found dinosaur toys, a drawing/colouring table, a fancy dress corner and a touch screen TV! Needless to say I played with all of these things. My favourite was the sand table, as I was able to build sand castles on the table. There were also lots of sea shells in the sand. I have no idea why they were there though, we were nowhere near the sea.

As quick as a flash, the hour and half was over and it was time to leave. I found out that from September I am going to Nursery every morning, every day! I can’t wait! Nursery was so much fun. Hopefully I am going to make lots of friends and who knows, maybe they will be interesting enough for me to talk about to you lot reading this!

Evelyn x

Previous diary – “Water slides and trampolines” – Evelyn’s Diaries – 17th June 2023

Next diary – “My potty training battle” – Evelyn’s Diaries – 29th June 2023

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