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“My Birthday! I’m now 3 Years old!” – Evelyn’s Diaries

That’s right, you are now reading the diary of a 3 year old!!

I am sure you all had the date marked in your calendars. However, I didn’t get seem to get the thousands of cards I was expecting…must have been an issue at the post office.

Anyway, as you would expect with it being my birthday, it has been a very exciting week! It has been full of cards, presents, parties and seeing all of my family. Becoming 3 years old has been an important milestone in my life and I have to say that I have felt very different ever since.

It is hard to put my finger on it exactly, but I feel more mature and wiser than what I was when I was 2. For example before I was 3, I would just do a wee in my pants like a baby. Now though, I sit down on my potty in front of everyone and do a wee, like a mature young lady. I also enjoy the finer things in life, like cuddling up on the sofa, with a nice cup of milk and a reading an interesting picture book. I feel very sophisticated nowadays.

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Two birthdays!

I was lucky this year for my birthday as I basically had two birthdays! This is because I had my birthday party the day before my actual birthday, then had my birthday itself. All my family came to my house to celebrate with me, but under one condition…they must bring presents, which thankfully they all did!

When opening my presents, my Mammy and Daddy kept saying that I had “been spoilt” by everybody. I wasn’t really sure what that meant. But I later found out that it can mean you have been bought too many presents. My Mammy and Daddy need to close their mouths and stop saying such nonsense! How can you have too many presents? Its actually impossible. So they need to stop talking about things they don’t understand. If people want to buy me more presents…let them.

After that stern telling off for my Mammy and Daddy, it was back to the party.

It was a sunny day, so we all got to spend a lot of time in the garden. It was nice having all the family there, as I got to play lots of different games with different people. However, soon I had worn everyone out with my games and it was time for them to go home. After everyone left, my Mammy and Daddy collapsed onto the sofa looking tired. I was having none of that. “Get up Mammy and Daddy, it’s now time to get all my new toys out their boxes!”

Time flies!

Unfortunately, there were no more parties on my actual birthday the next day. But I still had a lovely time as my Mammy took me to see some animals near Leeds. We met up with some of my friends and we all explored the animal park together. Daddy was at work, which was very selfish of him. His loss, not mine!

After a very busy two days, my birthday celebrations were over. 3 years old, how time flies! Thank you to everybody who wished me a happy birthday, or bought me cards or presents.

If you didn’t get me a present, don’t worry…there is always next year! You can never spoil Evelyn!

Evelyn x

Previous diary – “Dinosaur Park” – Evelyn’s Diaries – 18th August 2023

Next diary – “My First Week at Nursery” – Evelyn’s Diaries – 8th September 2023

Evelyn’s other recommendations:

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My Baby Memories

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